Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort
At Hyde-A-Way Bay we offer comfort, convenience, and plenty of Activities & Amenities for the whole family.
Are you considering a stay in our area but can’t work a trip into the schedule? Or, perhaps, you are a current guest trying to convince your neighbors that we are the best vacation spot ever (go you!). Well, no problem, we have you covered. Click on the photo to the right to take a virtual tour right from your home computer. Please feel free to call or use the Contact Us form to ask any questions you might have as it regards to your stay or potential stay. We are happy to help.
For Hackensack and the surrounding areas of northern Minnesota, movie goers are now able to watch first run films in a state-of-the-art cinema theater without driving 45 to 60 miles.
Our 144 by 90 foot building has four theater screens. The largest theater seats 189, another 123, and the two smaller ones, 97 and 88 seats, respectively.
It’s the 72nd anniversary of Sweetheart Days in Hackensack, and the city will be celebrating with multiple events through next week.
The first Sweetheart Days festival was held on June 27th, 1952, honoring Lucette, “the lady by the lake” and the sweetheart and wife of legendary logger Paul Bunyan. Lucette stands on the shore of Birch Lake at the city park waiting for Paul to return home from a hard day working in the woods.
Back to Hack is Hackensack's area winter festival. The event started many years ago when a group of people tried to figure out something fun to celebrate the winter and get out of the house. We have Sweetheart Days in the summer and the group came up with the idea of bringing your "Sweetheart Back to Hack" in the winter. Back to Hack celebrates winter with activities including the Frostbite Your Fanny Fun Run, Paul Bunyan Family Fishing Contest, Medallion Hunt, Kids Games in the Snow, Snow Sculpting, and a Community Bonfire and Fireworks.
It's a fun filled weekend with laughter, great conversations and the fun of meeting new people. So if you are getting a little cabin fever in January stop by Hackensack and join in on the fun!